17 Dahlia garden and Bénazet pavilion

These flowerbeds will be customised for each season!

Let’s go to the semicircle in the centre of the dahlia garden. And now take a look at the two busts. The people of Baden-Baden have erected a monument to Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms here.

The pavilion at the end of the Dahlia Garden belonged to Bénazet and stood on his family’s estate. Thanks to a generous donation from entrepreneur Walter Friedmann, it has been rebuilt here in the Dahlia Garden. – The people of Baden-Baden are very committed to preserving their cultural heritage.

The dahlia garden is also thanks to the commitment of the citizens. It was created in 1967. When it was decided in 2003 to stop planting them, the people of Baden-Baden put up a fight. They were not prepared to give up this romantic place! 64 different types of dahlia grow here! In the meantime, the Friends of the Dahlia Garden Association has contributed to its continued existence. Year after year, the association raises the impressive sum of over 25,000 euros!

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Lichtentaler Allee e.V. –
Initiative Weltkulturerbe
Peter Dippold
Im Brügel 11
76530 Baden-Baden

Vereinsregister: VR 200 680
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Mannheim


Email: info@lichtentalerallee.de
Tel.: 07221-4034604
Website: https://www.lichtentalerallee.de
